Come Scare With Us!

About the Hospital of the Lost Souls

Anyone who’s ever lived in the town of Shelley knows there’s an old building on State Street with the words “Hospital” still visible at the top. The building was built in 1903 and has played several roles in the community, such as restaurant, club, and room and board, but perhaps the greatest mystery is when it was a hospital from 1909 to 1926. Few people around today can remember any patient stories from the old hospital, but it still shows many signs of once being one.

It has the old dumb waiter and an old, creaky hospital ward with a hallway full of rooms and floral wallpaper. The musty, dark basement was heated by a coal furnace with very little light to guide the workers. Perhaps the eeriest of all is the old surgical room upstairs with it’s sink still standing. The building still stands strong after surviving a fire, vandalism, weather, and time.